Where the raindrops as they're falling tell a story...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Argue with Everyone

Very recently, only very recently have I been caught up with the brouhaha and drama that is the US Presidential race. I try to remain non-political in this blog; and I try to remain neutral on my political views. However, the beckoning, particularly those coming from the vice presidentiable Sarah Palin, proves hard to resist. Ah, it’s but human nature to be curious and form our own opinions about things that are happening around us. So I frequent sites and read all that I can about the issue – from both sides, of course. I also visit political discussions and debates. One forum that I particularly love to visit more often is the Argue with Everyone political discussion forums. The site is generally unmoderated to promote open and free debate among members. Members can also talk about anything and debate about anything under the sun.

So, are you itching to voice out your political view on the current US Presidential race? Or maybe you want to shout to the world what you think of the current state of our economy? Whatever demons lurking there that needs to get out; this is the right avenue for you. Or if you’re like me who needs her daily dose of sensational opinions on the current issues that our society is plagued with, head on over to Argue with Everyone.



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