Where the raindrops as they're falling tell a story...

Friday, September 5, 2008

Shop online without shipping worries

Time, that’s what I don’t have. Household chores that I personally attend to are pushed back into the bottom of my TTD list. Having no time to do almost anything else besides work, I am left with considering the services of some supermarkets where they deliver your groceries to your doorstep. Personally, I have to look after for myself. And what’s the best activity any girl wished to indulge herself in when stressed? SHOPPING! How nice could it be if I was choosing between a heeled pair of pumps or a patent flats instead of numbing my fingers with keyboard strokes? What about the joy of an indecision brought about by two almost identical big purses? Right, I don’t have time to do that or DO I? Good thing there are companies like Access USA! I can now shop without wasting time going from one store to the next. I can shop online any day of the week, in my own time without shipping worries. What joy!

Access USA is the leader in package and mail forwarding since 1997. If like me, you live overseas, shopping online is almost shunned and avoided because most suppliers do not ship overseas. Not anymore. Access USA provides an array of services tailor-fit for us from overseas. Imagine yourself shopping for anything online from different retailers or suppliers without worrying for shipping hassles. The company lets you use their Florida address as your shipping address. Additionally, since the Address Verification System doesn’t work outside the US, you can add Access USA’s Florida address as your second address in your credit cards. Brilliant, eh? And as if those are not enough, Access USA consolidates your packages saving you up to 70% of shipping costs. For more information about the rest of their services, visit MyUS.com website.

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