Where the raindrops as they're falling tell a story...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Xofia is 2 and all I'm thinking is this

I watched as Xofia, now 2, wiggles away around the living room while singing along Blues Clues theme.

I wondered what I was doing, what I was capable of, when I were her age. Surely, I wasn't singing along to some TV character, we didn't have one.

Probably, I was out in the backyard, early in the morning, to join my Lola in the garden. I remember relishing the moment over a mound of pulled grass by my side and thinking how good I was at this. Now, I smell a freshly-cut grass and all I remember is this sweet and poignant memory of my Lola.

Xofia is now 2. They say it's high time that she'd have a brother or sister. I think you'd have to let me enjoy a full night's sleep first before I plunge into another months of sleeplessness. And besides, my God, the crisis!

I'd like to take a step back for awhile. Imagine life worrying about one person's heartbreaks and pains and joys and happiness when she'd old enough to experience all that. Gosh, that is already a handful; what about imagining two person's worth of all these? How can a mother endure?



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